
We offer a worry-free professional service to achieve #1 Best Seller Status for your book.

Remember being a #1 Best Selling Author is a priceless legacy that will remain for many generations to come.

As part of your membership package, we will execute our #1 International Best Seller Strategy designed to at least have you listed as #1 Number best seller in 2 Amazon categories in  ONE COUNTRY being United States, Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom.

We 100% guarantee a result.

We will continue to promote your book until we achieve this goal. 

The ones that invest in this system will change their life and business forever.

This is not a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE, what we guarantee is to continue marketing your book until we get the target result. Given we have never failed in 100's of books we don't feel a money-back guarantee means anything.

What we cannot guarantee is the campaign will be successful on the specific day we designate for the launch.  For example, Amazon could be inaccessible or system issues.  If this happens we will continue to work until we get a result.

What We Need:

We need login access to your Amazon KDP account and any emails from Amazon need to be forwarded to us in regard to the category submissions. OR you or your publisher must undertake to follow our simple instructions.

Your book also needs to be priced at US$0.99 cents for a period of time (at least 48 hours or when we call the launch over).  If you want a higher price then we need to charge you the difference in pricing.

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Ignite Your Personal Podcasting Journey

Are you an independent spirit, eager to express your voice to the world through the power of podcasting? If so, our Solo Podcast Package has been curated with you in mind. This offering is designed to empower you, providing all the tools you need to embark on your personal podcasting journey.

To help you lay the foundation, we'll kickstart your journey with a visionary workshop. This interactive session is crafted to guide you in defining your podcast's direction, identifying your target audience, and refining your unique voice. It is the first critical step to align your podcasting vision with your personal or business goals.

Once we've mapped out your journey, we'll bring your podcast to life with professional artwork, intro, and outro. Our creative team will design captivating artwork that will make your podcast stand out in crowded platforms. And with a custom intro and outro, your podcast will be as unique as you are, captivating your audience from start to finish.

And that's not all - we'll also produce your first episode. This is a monumental step, and we're here to ensure it's a smooth one. Our team will guide you through the whole process, from scripting to recording, editing to final production.

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Amplify Your Reach with Engaging Conversations

Elevate your podcast with captivating guest speakers. Our Guest Podcast Package includes all the benefits of our Solo Podcast Package, plus a seamless guest workflow, insightful guest workshop, and project management support. Expand your audience and create engaging conversations today.

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Unlock Your Podcast's Monetization Potential

With our Podcast Sales System Package, you have the key to monetizing your podcast effectively. By leveraging captivating guest interviews and implementing a comprehensive system, we'll help you generate revenue while delivering engaging content to your audience. From host hiring and training to seamless implementation, our package ensures your podcast resonates with your audience and becomes a profitable venture.

Diversify your content and open doors to profitable opportunities through insightful guest interviews. By carefully selecting guests who align with your podcast's goals and targeting potential buyers, you'll create engaging episodes that captivate your listeners. Our Podcast Sales System Package empowers you to maximize your podcasting profits, offering collaboration possibilities, cross-promotion opportunities, and the chance to sell your services. Monetize your passion and unleash the full potential of your podcast today.

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Take your business to the next level with the power of AI! The "A.I. Advantage Toolkit" is your ultimate resource for leveraging artificial intelligence in your entrepreneurial journey.

This comprehensive toolkit equips you with in-depth educational resources, success stories, a directory of AI tools, interactive webinars, and a thriving community forum. Stay updated with the latest AI trends, and get your questions answered by industry experts.

Whether you're a seasoned business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, our toolkit empowers you to embrace the future, optimize your operations, and unlock your business's growth potential.

Ready to revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey with the A.I. Advantage? Join our community and get access to the "A.I. Advantage Toolkit" today! 

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Sponsor an Episode on the A.I. Advantage Show!

🌟 Introducing a Unique Opportunity 🌟

About the A.I. Advantage Show: The A.I. Advantage Show is a premier podcast that delves deep into the world of artificial intelligence, exploring its innovations, challenges, and future prospects. With a dedicated and ever-growing audience of AI enthusiasts, tech professionals, and business leaders, the show is a beacon for those eager to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

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US$129.00 / Year

Become a member of A.I. Advantage Pro and gain access to 12 exclusive live events with replays, monthly AI workshops, and networking sessions. Benefit from a wealth of AI resources, private podcasts, and an annual discovery call. Plus, invite a guest to each event for free. Elevate your AI knowledge and be at the forefront of innovation. Join us today!

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Ever wondered how AI could redefine your business? Let's explore together!

Join us for an exclusive AI Strategy Call and uncover hidden opportunities tailored just for you.

Discover the potential of AI-driven results, streamlined processes, and game-changing insights. Book now and set your business on the path to innovation. Slots are filling up fast – seize your competitive edge today

How the call works:

  1. Initial 60 min call to discuss requirements
  2. Followup Call to present results and discuss next steps

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